I am a mommy. But not just anyone's mommy. I'm Daven's mommy. This means a number of things:
I live for eskimo kisses.
I spend all my giftcards on things for Daven.
I would do anything to make him smile.
I could sit and just stare at him for hours, and sometimes I do!
If I could be a stay-at-home-mom always I would.
It feels great when strangers smile and point at him or come up to me and say how precious he is.
I don't want to go anywhere without him with me, even if it means that it takes longer to get there, I have to lug a ton with me, and my activities are constantly interrupted by feedings and diaper changes. I still want him with me all the time.
I now find that missing the onion volcano at our favorite hibachi grill, Kobe, isn't the end of the world. But not being able to meet the needs of my baby boy would be.
I appreciate my mother a lot more now. I've always heard that this would happen. Everyone was right. I called her so many times the first few weeks. And I was so glad that she ended up being with me in the delivery room.
I still have a difficult time letting other people hold Daven. While I know that they are perfectly capable, the moment he starts to cry I have this impulse to be right there and to take him to make it all better. I'm trying really hard to let Daven know that other people besides just me can comfort him.
Anyway, that was just what was on my mind at the moment. Daven has become such an active little man! He smiles more, talks more, and grabs at things. He even ate his elephant blanket, as you can see from the pictures I posted yesterday. He goo's, ah-gee's, ahs, and even sometimes has short laughs. I love it! I really have a good time laying on the floor with him and watching him kick and play.
Yes, I know that we need to do more tummy time with him. But it's just so hard for me to make him do it because he always ends up getting upset. I know it's for his own good. I'll get there, I promise!
Daven's Auntie Lauren is coming home from school for the summer in a few weeks. It will be nice to have her home.
Well I know that this will not end up as planned, but I am going to attempt to close my eyes for a moment while Daven is asleep in his bouncer.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today Lacey and I hung out. She took Daven and I to breakfast. She only ended up paying for my coffee though, because I found a piece of plastic in my pancakes and part of it got stuck between my teeth!
At one point Daven got fussy and although it took less than a minute for us to check his diaper and get out his bottle, some old man at the table behind us started muttering about how annoying that baby was and rolling his eyes around. It didn't seem to matter that other babies were screaming at some points while we were there - he had to have a tissy over my little sunshine! The thing is, even when Daven cries and gets really upset, he's not that loud.
(Yes, I know right now you might be thinking "Oh but every mom thinks that about their kid when really he's being annoying". And if you think that about me then I would say - eat a dick. But in the nicest way possible!)
Then when that table was leaving, the lady sitting with the grump came over and started baby-talking to Daven.
"A boo boo boo shoo shoo look at you ahh yes you are a cutie uh huh the man at my table didn't like hearing you cry no no but I didn't mind oh no I didn't ah yes little baby..."
Daven decided that he was hungry right when we were getting ready to leave, so we ended up being there for longer than we planned. But no worries. We work around his schedule.
We came back to the house and played on the floor. Lacey read him his new book I got him last night: Dinosaurs Love Underpants. It's basically amazing!
This book explains the real reason why dinosaurs went extinct - they all loved underpants and fought each other to the death for them after they themselves had stolen them from the cavemen. Hilarious! And the illustrations are amazing. Even if this doesn't end up being one of Daven's favorites, it's one of mine already!
When Auntie Amanda had to go back to work we went back home. By that time Lacey was done and came back over. We've spent the rest of the night hanging out. That's why I've been able to write so much - she's got a hold of my snuggle bunny right now. I'm so glad I have her back in my life. I have a great time when she's around :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Being a mom means...
Well today being a mom means that I spent over a half an hour in a dressing room.
Thank goodness Target has family dressing rooms with room for your cart and a big bench. I was trying on some dresses for a wedding I'm going to this weekend. Daven was contently sleeping in his car seat securely attacked to the cart. For about 5 min. And right as I was texting my friend pics of the dresses and trying to figure out if they showed too much boob, Daven decides that he's going to wake up.
Change me, mommy!
At first I thought, is it against the rules to change him here and not in the bathroom? But then I'd have to get dressed and walk a crying baby through the store just to change him on one of those crappy pull-down-from-the-wall changing tables. So I got out the changing pad, a diaper and the wipies and I changed my son in the dressing room at Target.
But this did not stop the crying. So I sat there in my underwear and fed him. And I burped him. Repeat process. And after he was full, he needed to be changed again.
Then I finished trying on my stuff, found a dress and a bathing suit top. If you know anything about me or have read much of my blog, then you would be able to guess how hard it would be for me to find a bathing suit that fits right and covers the (giant) girls up. And it was on sale to boot!
So then I had to get dressed and go back out to try to find a bottom to go with it. I grab a few and go back into the changing room. Find one that works. Then I have to change Daven again.
So if you are keeping track, that a feeding and 3 diaper changes all within about half an hour.
But damn he's so cute!
He's been really active today, kicking and moving his arms. I've been laying with him on the floor and he just goes to town! I'm wondering when he's going to roll over.
Thank goodness Target has family dressing rooms with room for your cart and a big bench. I was trying on some dresses for a wedding I'm going to this weekend. Daven was contently sleeping in his car seat securely attacked to the cart. For about 5 min. And right as I was texting my friend pics of the dresses and trying to figure out if they showed too much boob, Daven decides that he's going to wake up.
Change me, mommy!
At first I thought, is it against the rules to change him here and not in the bathroom? But then I'd have to get dressed and walk a crying baby through the store just to change him on one of those crappy pull-down-from-the-wall changing tables. So I got out the changing pad, a diaper and the wipies and I changed my son in the dressing room at Target.
But this did not stop the crying. So I sat there in my underwear and fed him. And I burped him. Repeat process. And after he was full, he needed to be changed again.
Then I finished trying on my stuff, found a dress and a bathing suit top. If you know anything about me or have read much of my blog, then you would be able to guess how hard it would be for me to find a bathing suit that fits right and covers the (giant) girls up. And it was on sale to boot!
So then I had to get dressed and go back out to try to find a bottom to go with it. I grab a few and go back into the changing room. Find one that works. Then I have to change Daven again.
So if you are keeping track, that a feeding and 3 diaper changes all within about half an hour.
But damn he's so cute!
He's been really active today, kicking and moving his arms. I've been laying with him on the floor and he just goes to town! I'm wondering when he's going to roll over.
Friday, April 16, 2010
I bought Daven a bumbo chair yesterday and so far he really seems to like it! I haven't kept him in it for too long at a time though because I know it's hard work for him to hold his head up like a big boy. He's getting good at it though!
Tonight it's just me and Daven because daddy has a bachelor party to go to. Tomorrow is Thunder over Louisville, and we are having a few people over. Burgers, hot dogs and beer. Hopefully it's a good day. Amanda is bringing over her dog Ellie with her so that her and Oreo can play. They went on a walk with each other last weekend and seemed to like each other.
I absolutely love when Daven smiles and talks. It melts my heart. He did it earlier today when I was singing to him! I really couldn't have asked for a better baby.
As you can see in the one pic, Daven has really started holding on to things now. He does more than grab fingers. He loves his burpies still. And I think he's a fan of his new hippo that I got him yesterday. I know it's purple and I know he's a boy, but mommy loves hippos so I bought it just as much for me as I did for him. Is that sad? I don't care if it is. That thing is too cute! And it has the plastic ring on the top that you can clip to his car seat. Right now he has a pooh bear and an elephant attached. He hasn't really noticed them yet.
Being a temporary stay at home mom has made me addicted to TLC. That is seriously the only channel I watch all day. Bringing home baby, baby story, 19 kids and counting, say yes to the dress - this is how every morning goes. I usually get a shower somewhere in there and Daven and I play and cuddle. But normally in the morning I can't get much work done around the house. So we watch TLC. And I wonder what Jim Bob and Michelle are like when the cameras aren't on. What do they argue about? Is it in their contract that the show is not allowed to show them arguing or even disagreeing? It kind of drives me nuts how they are always so laid back and happy.
Ok, it's time for daddy to go drinking. That sounds kind of funny.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Things have been better lately. I had a bit of a relapse of the ppd there for a week or two where I couldn't get my arse up to do anything. It was nice outside but I couldn't go for a walk, it was hard to have people over, and I cried all the time. Thankfully it's better again and I am back to being cheerful a majority of the time.
A and I have had a bit of a rough time too. I think it's mostly because we don't communicate clearly and so he'll sound mad when he's not and then get upset when I get hurt. We misinterpret each other quite a bit We're doing much better though. I think the lack of cuddle time is really starting to take it's toll, because all of it is being given to Daven. I miss that time that I used to have with him where we would just lay and hold each other. But I know that we will get it back.
We're hoping to start trying to transition Daven back to the crib soon. I think we'll start with just trying to have him in there from the first time he goes to sleep until he wakes up the first time to eat. That's normally when he seems to sleep the deepest and not fidget as much. But from then on out (usually around 1:30 am) he's all wiggly and you have to put the paci in his mouth and rub his belly and be with him in order for him to go back to sleep. So we'll take it in baby steps. But if we can get him to sleep in his crib for even a few hours a night then A and I could start getting our time back. (I love you A!)
Plus, have I mentioned the sexy time issue?
(Yes, that's a warning not to read if you don't want to know)
With Daven being in the cosleeper in the bed with us, we cannot have the relations in bed. So the few times we've been able to be together we've had to resort to the floor! And that leads to carpet burn!
We haven't even been able to do that very much though, because of damn aunt flow. Here's the breakdown:
After I had Daven, I had pp bleeding for about a month. Then I had maybe 10 days or so before I got my first period. At that point it was time for my 6 week check up and I went back on the pill. Well, that period lasted 18 days. Yes, that's right. 18 days. Some of those days it was really light and sometimes I would think that it had finally stopped. But it always came back. Once that finally went away, I only had a week before I got my period again! It finally stopped yesterday. Hopefully I'll be back on schedule. If not I'm going to have to see the Dr. because I can't handle bleeding for that long. It makes me feel weak. Plus, my bowels hate me during my period, so that sucks.
Since I'm finally flow free, of course my allergies would decide to act up. My throat is scratchy, my nose is running, and I'm sneezing like crazy. Damn pollen!
I can't figure out why, but all of my fingertips are peeling. I can't figure out what I'm coming into contact with that I'm allergic too. First it just started on one finger and then a thumb. But now there are only 2 fingers left that aren't affected. It hurts! And doing the dishes is killer!
So around Daven's age, babies coo. Well, Daven doesn't. He goo's. It's so cute! Whenever he's "talking", most of it starts with a g sound. I absolutely love it! He's so smiley and talkative in the morning when he first wakes up for the day. Even if I'm exhausted and not ready for the day I can't help but smile because he is so freaking adorable. I love my snuggle bunny!
Daven loves bath time. He smiles and makes faces and kicks. I can't wait until the summer when we can take him to our parents' pools.
Well, I know there are other things to talk about, but I'm going to relax a bit before he wakes up and needs to eat. I figure that since I've cleaned the whole bathroom, done a load of laundry, vacuumed 2 rooms, swiffered the kitchen and dining room and done a few dishes I deserve it! I'm sure he'll wake up as soon as I close my eyes. But hey - normally I don't even get to my blog before he wakes up so this is progress!
A and I have had a bit of a rough time too. I think it's mostly because we don't communicate clearly and so he'll sound mad when he's not and then get upset when I get hurt. We misinterpret each other quite a bit We're doing much better though. I think the lack of cuddle time is really starting to take it's toll, because all of it is being given to Daven. I miss that time that I used to have with him where we would just lay and hold each other. But I know that we will get it back.
We're hoping to start trying to transition Daven back to the crib soon. I think we'll start with just trying to have him in there from the first time he goes to sleep until he wakes up the first time to eat. That's normally when he seems to sleep the deepest and not fidget as much. But from then on out (usually around 1:30 am) he's all wiggly and you have to put the paci in his mouth and rub his belly and be with him in order for him to go back to sleep. So we'll take it in baby steps. But if we can get him to sleep in his crib for even a few hours a night then A and I could start getting our time back. (I love you A!)
Plus, have I mentioned the sexy time issue?
(Yes, that's a warning not to read if you don't want to know)
With Daven being in the cosleeper in the bed with us, we cannot have the relations in bed. So the few times we've been able to be together we've had to resort to the floor! And that leads to carpet burn!
We haven't even been able to do that very much though, because of damn aunt flow. Here's the breakdown:
After I had Daven, I had pp bleeding for about a month. Then I had maybe 10 days or so before I got my first period. At that point it was time for my 6 week check up and I went back on the pill. Well, that period lasted 18 days. Yes, that's right. 18 days. Some of those days it was really light and sometimes I would think that it had finally stopped. But it always came back. Once that finally went away, I only had a week before I got my period again! It finally stopped yesterday. Hopefully I'll be back on schedule. If not I'm going to have to see the Dr. because I can't handle bleeding for that long. It makes me feel weak. Plus, my bowels hate me during my period, so that sucks.
Since I'm finally flow free, of course my allergies would decide to act up. My throat is scratchy, my nose is running, and I'm sneezing like crazy. Damn pollen!
I can't figure out why, but all of my fingertips are peeling. I can't figure out what I'm coming into contact with that I'm allergic too. First it just started on one finger and then a thumb. But now there are only 2 fingers left that aren't affected. It hurts! And doing the dishes is killer!
So around Daven's age, babies coo. Well, Daven doesn't. He goo's. It's so cute! Whenever he's "talking", most of it starts with a g sound. I absolutely love it! He's so smiley and talkative in the morning when he first wakes up for the day. Even if I'm exhausted and not ready for the day I can't help but smile because he is so freaking adorable. I love my snuggle bunny!
Daven loves bath time. He smiles and makes faces and kicks. I can't wait until the summer when we can take him to our parents' pools.
Well, I know there are other things to talk about, but I'm going to relax a bit before he wakes up and needs to eat. I figure that since I've cleaned the whole bathroom, done a load of laundry, vacuumed 2 rooms, swiffered the kitchen and dining room and done a few dishes I deserve it! I'm sure he'll wake up as soon as I close my eyes. But hey - normally I don't even get to my blog before he wakes up so this is progress!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Daven's first Easter!
Daven's other Easter outfit
It's kind of hard to tell because the picture is dark, but Daven is holding up his bottle all by himself!
Auntie Amanda is holding the baby boy!
Snugglesaurus Rex!
A sunny day down by the river
Great-grandpa and his little "shitepoke"
All clean!
So I've been a bit bad about getting to the blog. It's not that I don't want to. It's that I always have a baby in my arms! He's such a snuggle bunny! And 10 weeks old now!
At his 2 month appointment we found out that he gained 4 pounds! He's now 12lbs 7oz. Our little chunky monkey! The 3 vaccinations he got made him not feel good though. And he's been dealing with a stuffy nose for the better part of a week now. But he's still a happy baby boy!
I'm still in the process of filling out applications for the fall. But I have to say that I am enjoying my extra time with Daven. It's going to be very hard when I do have to leave him.
Well I can't really keep track of what all has happened lately But I do have a ton of pictures! Hope you liked them, because they took forever to upload!
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