Sunday was our 1 year anniversary! I can't believe time has gone so quickly! And I would have never thought a year ago that we would be here today already pregnant! It's weird how things change. Saturday, A went out and got my a dozen Godiva chocolate covered strawberries and also gave me my card. They were so good! It was funny though because I could smell what they were before I even opened the box! They were a variety of milk, white and dark. Actually, I think there still might be one or two in the fridge. Yum!
Sunday morning, I woke up early and went to get A some donuts. Yummy bakery donuts are the best! Then we lounged around and watched a movie and I took a little nap. My tummy was bothering me. Then once I got up and ready, we went to the Summit to Build a Bear where A let me build whatever I wanted! I chose a puppy with plaid shorts and a polo. We named him Claudio. I felt a little silly standing in line with a bunch of toddlers, but it was so worth it!
Then we got home, I took another short nap, and then we drove up to Indy to eat at Cheeseburger in Paradise. We got fried pickles and I had salmon. A had some kind of chicken. I know it sounds silly to drive all that way to eat somewhere, but it was special since we ate at one in Myrtle Beach during our honeymoon last year. It was worth it, too. So good!
After we drove back, we turned on the new episode of Law and Order, but I fell asleep. So A tucked me into bed and we snuggled back in the bedroom. I guess I was just worn out!
I gave A his present yesterday. I got him 3 half hour golf lessons with the pro over at our local golf course, his next year's subscription to xbox live, and some xbox points so he could download some new songs for Rock Band. He seemed happy. I just wish that I could have given it to him Sunday on the actual day, but better late than never! I love you, A!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tummy troubles
I went to bed with a stomach ache. I woke up with a stomach ache. I had to cancel lunch plans with a friend because of my stupid tummy. I feel like I'll have to run to the bathroom at any time - that's how it's like. I napped on the recliner this morning, drank a Jone's Soda, and tried to forget about it. I managed to eat a couple of handfuls of Quaker Oat Squares. I'm still sitting here in my pjs, even though A's dad is getting ready to come over here and start working on the upstairs. I'm sure he'll have something to say about that.
I should be thankful that I'm not actually throwing up (yet). But this stomach pain I'm feeling totally sucks too.
I'm noticing that I'm super bloated now. I'm popping out of my bra and my shorts don't fit around the waist very well. ::sighs:: I hope they make maternity clothes for plus sized women.
Now the cats are holed up in the bathroom so that A and his dad can move stuff outside from upstairs. And I have to pee. And I need to take a shower. Oh well.
I should be thankful that I'm not actually throwing up (yet). But this stomach pain I'm feeling totally sucks too.
I'm noticing that I'm super bloated now. I'm popping out of my bra and my shorts don't fit around the waist very well. ::sighs:: I hope they make maternity clothes for plus sized women.
Now the cats are holed up in the bathroom so that A and his dad can move stuff outside from upstairs. And I have to pee. And I need to take a shower. Oh well.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Holy heartburn
I feel like I've been breathing fire this past week. Thank goodness A's insurance is miles better than mine and we got our cards in the mail earlier this week. I got my Nexium back! Now let's just hope that it's enough to stop the constantly burning in my throat!
I've had acid reflux for years, and I used to be on Nexium. Then I got off my parent's insurance and on my own and it cost me approx. $140 a month. So I went off of it and just doubled up on some OTC meds. When I was talking to the nurse on the phone, she told me I needed to switch to Zantec because it was safer. Let me tell you how that medicine doesn't work! I was taking up to 10 pills a day and still felt like I was going to spit fire! But now I'm back on my Nexium and the heartburn in gone! Woo hoo!
I've had acid reflux for years, and I used to be on Nexium. Then I got off my parent's insurance and on my own and it cost me approx. $140 a month. So I went off of it and just doubled up on some OTC meds. When I was talking to the nurse on the phone, she told me I needed to switch to Zantec because it was safer. Let me tell you how that medicine doesn't work! I was taking up to 10 pills a day and still felt like I was going to spit fire! But now I'm back on my Nexium and the heartburn in gone! Woo hoo!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
It's still true, isn't it?
I love being on summer break. It is so nice not having to get up every morning and head to work. Although I know that this summer will fly by and I'll be back to 8 classes a day way too soon.
A is still really excited about the baby. He talks about it constantly, which is really sweet. He is worrying about the house a bit too much - where is the baby's room going to go? Are we going to move our room upstairs once it's all cleared out? What are we going to do about the giant office desk? Don't get me wrong, I wonder about these things too, but A is just so serious about it. I just want him to take it easy and come snuggle on a Sunday morning instead of worrying about moving the desk.

This weekend has been full of graduation stuff. Friday, we went to my cousin J's grad party. Yesterday was my sister-in-law's high school graduation. Then we went to their neighbor's party, as well as my sister's boyfriends party. Today I have my concert band concert, and then we will be going late to my SIL's party. I got her a laundry basket full of food and other stuff for college. It's strange how I'll be so sad to see her go away to college in a few months.
Friday, A's mom was awesome. I was running errands and she calls. "Hey, what are you doing for dinner? Want to go to the Melting Pot?" Um, YES! I was really worried that I was going to feel too sick to eat, and man would that be an expensive meal to waste. But I was fine. We started out with the fiesta cheese dip, which is always amazing. Then I ordered the featured salad, which was a mistake. It had an entire tomato sliced, had balls of real mozzarella cheese (blech) and had chewy greens and some nasty balsamic dressing. I took one bite and knew there was no way I could eat it. But I don't think I would have been in the mood for any kind of salad, because I had a bite of A's house salad and didn't like it either.
Mmmm, cheese - my favorite!
After the salad was the main course, where you cook all of your own meat at the table. I was sharing with A and his sister, so that only left me with one piece of each kind of meat, but that ended up being ok since I was trying to make sure my stomach didn't start hating me. Then, the best part - dessert! We did a bananas foster fondue with white chocolate, bananas of course, and cinnamon. It was so good! By the time we were done, it had been 3 hours of sitting and eating. My legs were starting to get that restless leg crud where they are all jumpy. I was glad to get home and get to bed. And thankfully, my stomach cooperated!
I hope the baby continues to stick!
A is still really excited about the baby. He talks about it constantly, which is really sweet. He is worrying about the house a bit too much - where is the baby's room going to go? Are we going to move our room upstairs once it's all cleared out? What are we going to do about the giant office desk? Don't get me wrong, I wonder about these things too, but A is just so serious about it. I just want him to take it easy and come snuggle on a Sunday morning instead of worrying about moving the desk.
This weekend has been full of graduation stuff. Friday, we went to my cousin J's grad party. Yesterday was my sister-in-law's high school graduation. Then we went to their neighbor's party, as well as my sister's boyfriends party. Today I have my concert band concert, and then we will be going late to my SIL's party. I got her a laundry basket full of food and other stuff for college. It's strange how I'll be so sad to see her go away to college in a few months.
Friday, A's mom was awesome. I was running errands and she calls. "Hey, what are you doing for dinner? Want to go to the Melting Pot?" Um, YES! I was really worried that I was going to feel too sick to eat, and man would that be an expensive meal to waste. But I was fine. We started out with the fiesta cheese dip, which is always amazing. Then I ordered the featured salad, which was a mistake. It had an entire tomato sliced, had balls of real mozzarella cheese (blech) and had chewy greens and some nasty balsamic dressing. I took one bite and knew there was no way I could eat it. But I don't think I would have been in the mood for any kind of salad, because I had a bite of A's house salad and didn't like it either.
After the salad was the main course, where you cook all of your own meat at the table. I was sharing with A and his sister, so that only left me with one piece of each kind of meat, but that ended up being ok since I was trying to make sure my stomach didn't start hating me. Then, the best part - dessert! We did a bananas foster fondue with white chocolate, bananas of course, and cinnamon. It was so good! By the time we were done, it had been 3 hours of sitting and eating. My legs were starting to get that restless leg crud where they are all jumpy. I was glad to get home and get to bed. And thankfully, my stomach cooperated!
I hope the baby continues to stick!
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's still sinking in
I still can't believe that it actually happened. I took another test today, just to make sure that I'm actually still pregnant! I don't know what I am going to do with myself. But I mean, the doctor won't even see me until I'm 11 weeks, so I have to reassure myself somehow! I was going to try to post pictures of my positive pregnancy tests, but they didn't work right when I tried to resize them. Oh well.
Telling our parents Saturday was a nightmare. I really hope I don't have to go through that again. I know if we have more kids, telling them about #2 won't be nearly as hard. We went to target and found a onsie that said, "If mommy says no, ask Grandma" that we gave to my mom, and a bib that says "Grandma's #1" that we gave A's mom. I was really nervous about what my parents would say, so we went to tell them first. I gave mom the bag with the onsie in it, she opened it and didn't really say anything. Then dad said, "Is there a reason why you gave her that?" Come on, dad! Geeze. They didn't really say too much, but I think they are going to be ok with it. I think my dad still thinks it's way too soon, but whatever.
We had to wait around forever for A's parents to get home. Once we did, his mom didn't really have the reaction I was hoping for. I thought that she was going to be super excited about it, but then she said some stuff along the lines of it was too early, even though she's been asking us when we were going to get pregnant ever since we got married! Apparently she's excited about it now, because my sister in law said that her mom was telling everyone she knew!
A's dad was a complete ass, just like I figured he would be. On one hand, I really need to stop taking everything he says so seriously. On the other, he really shouldn't have been so insensitive with a topic like this. He asked me if I had been to the doctor yet and when I told him no, he said "Good, then there's a chance that she's not pregnant." Really? Really? Then he started whispering to A "Diapers stink" No shit, dad, really? When we finally left their house, which felt like forever, I sat in A's car and cried. Why couldn't this be a happy experience? I mean, A and I are so happy, but it was so stressful having to tell the parents. I'm glad that it's over with.
I knew that I would be getting sleepy, but nothing like I'm feeling! I took two naps yesterday and I still went to bed at 1o. I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open today. A nap is going to be inevitable. Thank goodness that I have the next 2 months off. I don't know how I'm going to handle it when I have to go back to work in the fall. It makes me sleepy just thinking about it.
I'm also super nauseous, although I haven't thrown up yet (knock on wood). Eating seems to help, although it sucks to have to try to eat when your tummy is upset.
I have to pee - again. It's only going to get worse!
Telling our parents Saturday was a nightmare. I really hope I don't have to go through that again. I know if we have more kids, telling them about #2 won't be nearly as hard. We went to target and found a onsie that said, "If mommy says no, ask Grandma" that we gave to my mom, and a bib that says "Grandma's #1" that we gave A's mom. I was really nervous about what my parents would say, so we went to tell them first. I gave mom the bag with the onsie in it, she opened it and didn't really say anything. Then dad said, "Is there a reason why you gave her that?" Come on, dad! Geeze. They didn't really say too much, but I think they are going to be ok with it. I think my dad still thinks it's way too soon, but whatever.
We had to wait around forever for A's parents to get home. Once we did, his mom didn't really have the reaction I was hoping for. I thought that she was going to be super excited about it, but then she said some stuff along the lines of it was too early, even though she's been asking us when we were going to get pregnant ever since we got married! Apparently she's excited about it now, because my sister in law said that her mom was telling everyone she knew!
A's dad was a complete ass, just like I figured he would be. On one hand, I really need to stop taking everything he says so seriously. On the other, he really shouldn't have been so insensitive with a topic like this. He asked me if I had been to the doctor yet and when I told him no, he said "Good, then there's a chance that she's not pregnant." Really? Really? Then he started whispering to A "Diapers stink" No shit, dad, really? When we finally left their house, which felt like forever, I sat in A's car and cried. Why couldn't this be a happy experience? I mean, A and I are so happy, but it was so stressful having to tell the parents. I'm glad that it's over with.
I knew that I would be getting sleepy, but nothing like I'm feeling! I took two naps yesterday and I still went to bed at 1o. I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open today. A nap is going to be inevitable. Thank goodness that I have the next 2 months off. I don't know how I'm going to handle it when I have to go back to work in the fall. It makes me sleepy just thinking about it.
I'm also super nauseous, although I haven't thrown up yet (knock on wood). Eating seems to help, although it sucks to have to try to eat when your tummy is upset.
I have to pee - again. It's only going to get worse!
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